Monday, September 24, 2012

September 24, 2012

Hi Everybody,

Well this is going be a very short one this week, sorry. We are crunched for time.

I am doing better I am not sick anymore, so no worries. This week was kind of slow but we taught two of our investigators the quit smoking program and things are looking promising.

I am not being transferred. Elder Christensen is now the new District leader. And WE GET A CAR!!!!!!! So things are good here. I am hard at work and pumped! Keep up the good work everyone!! Keep sending me stuff and letters it helps me more than you think!!! Next week will be a little longer I promise.

Love, Elder Gomm

PS. I went on an exchange with the Spanish missionaries and I had a cow tongue burrito. It was really good!!! Oh, and I never did get Chris Watkins’ letter.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

September 17, 2012

Hello everyone,

This one is going be kind of short.  Not much happened this week.  I went on an exchange with the Spanish missionaries. It was so much fun, even if I did only understand half of what was going on. We then had Zone Conference which was awesome!  I got to see many of the missionaries, including my MTC companion, that came out with me! We told our dog stories and stuff about our investigators. The next day Elder Christensen and I got sick. We have been in our beds most of this week only going to our scheduled appointments. We just have no energy. It would be different if we had a car, but our mission president, President Craven, doesn’t want us getting people sick. Sister Craven said that about half the mission is sick.  Please pray for the mission, it is a nasty little virus.

The lessons that we did have were spectacular!  Our investigators are doing great!!! (I have decided to leave the names of our investigators out for privacy reasons. If you want to know what’s going on with everyone ask my mom or write me a private letter.)  We will have 2 or 3 ready for baptism by October. Last night we had 3 of our strongest investigators at church.  We then had an awesome dinner with the Alemn Family.  Brother Alemn has been an answer to my prayers.  He is so excited about missionary work.  He is just is really fun and a good person for the people we are inviting to the fold to be friends with.  Just think of the coolest guy you know, that’s him.  At his house, with his little family, we watched the Restoration DVD with our investigators.  It was cool because we sat back and watched these investigators testifying to one another that they know this is true and that Joseph Smith really was a prophet!  As missionaries we really do nothing because in the end the Spirit of God is the one teaching.  It is truly amazing!!!
How are the commitments going??? Please write me so I can follow up on your progression as a ward.

I love ya’ll!  Sorry there are no pictures this week; I forgot my camera in the apartment. :/ the only picture I was going send was of Elder Christensen standing next to his bike, with his 10th flat tire of his mission.  It’s pretty funny.

Elder Gomm

The Church is true!  Oh and ya’ll can send me food again if you want haha
And tell me about your missionary opportunities.

Monday, September 10, 2012

September 10, 2012

Hello everyone,

This letter is to the members of the Green Valley Ward, and to all the members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.

I challenge all of you to read and know by heart the Ward Mission Plan. It is the duty of every member to be a missionary.
"There is neither man nor woman in this Church who is not on a mission. That mission will last as long as they live, and it is to do good, to promote righteousness, to teach the principals of truth, and to prevail upon themselves and everybody around them to live those principles that they may obtain eternal life."    President Brigham Young.
It is up to you to do the missionary work.  The full time missionaries are here to help you fulfill your missionary work.

Things for you to do:
·         Pray to be able to find the people the Lord has prepared.
·         Don’t be afraid to open your mouth and share what you know.
·         Serve those around you.
·         Invite neighbors and friends to family home evening and church.
Read Alma 16: 16-17 as a family and discuss how you can share the gospel with someone.
When we were baptized, we made covenants to represent Jesus Christ and to always remember him. In the temple we have also made covenants. With baptism and temple covenants we have promised to dedicate our time and efforts to building up the Kingdom and to share the gospel and be an example to those who are in need of the truth.

I ask you now, Brothers and Sisters, to go up to the missionaries and ask them, “What can we do to help you?  What can we do to share the gospel with others?” You are essential to missionary work, every last one of you!  I love you all. The ward I am in lacks this enthusiasm and I have been losing sleep over it.  So, please, do your part to declare the Restored Gospel to the earth.  I say this in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

The work is going well. That’s pretty much it.

Happy Birthday Katelyn!!!!
Happy Birthday Teresa!!!!!!!
Congrats Jess!!!!!  A boy, that’s awesome!!!!!!!

Thanks for the CDs I love them, but I still kind of need some more.  I like "Lower Lights"

Love ya’ll!!!
Love ya mom!!!!

PS  We are going to Bojangles in the back of a truck after moving someone.

Monday, September 3, 2012

September 3, 2012

Hello everyone,

Kudzu - Green stuff that grows EVERYWHERE
This week’s update might be a tad shorter. I am running out of time.

This week was awesome!!!!!!  I am way pumped and not as depressed. It is due to all the letters and packages and words of encouragement. I hope you all enjoyed the pictures and videos! I have been working out a bunch! I am not the skinny kid like ya’ll remember. My bike is officially Teancum, (Jason Borne of the Book of Mormon).

This week was great as far as teaching.
Two investigators came to church and found an apartment! Yeah!!!!
Awesome dinner with a family, you would think they are all members!! Best cookout (BBQ) burgers of my life!!!! We then taught them the Gospel of Jesus Christ; they are so close to accepting baptism. I used Dad’s mustard seed in this lesson, and told them they need to have faith in Jesus Christ like Peter did to walk on water. I love that family so much. Please write me letters about keeping the Sabbath Day holy. They both work on Sunday.
A sister, who has been less active and hasn’t been to church in 20 years, came to church and loved it!!!!! We are going to get her some scriptures, so if someone could send some scripture markers for her, that would be awesome!

That’s pretty much it.

Things to send me:
- No more food please!!!  Ya’ll have no idea how much junk food we have in the apartment!  Although, I could never have enough cinnamon rolls, ya’ll know that!  This is just for a week or so because I am trying to catch up.
- Ties are money for a missionary; I am kind of poor at the moment.
- CDs; there is no Dessert Book store here. We can listen to anything as long as it helps us feel the Spirit. So, I will let ya’ll use your judgment on that.
- Letters and pictures of course, tell me how ya’ll are doing!

Well, time to go. I bear testimony that we are all missionaries! As a full-time missionary, it is my job, to help the members of the ward do their job.

My challenge for ya’ll, is to call the missionaries and ask them if you can help them or take them to their appointment, ask what you can do to fellowship. Talk to everyone you can about the Restored Gospel. Trust the Lord. He will guide you on what to say.

Love ya’ll,
Elder Gomm